The First Grigorchuk Group

in Context of Burnside's Problems

Tim B. Herbstrith

28 April 2017

Burnside's Problems

Periodic Groups


A group \(G\) is called periodic if for each element \(a \in G\) there exists an integer \(n > 0\) such that \[a^n = e.\]


  • Every finite group is periodic.
  • The direct sum of cyclic groups \[ \bigoplus_{i=2}^\infty \operatorname{\mathbb{Z}}_i \] is periodic.

Unbounded Burnside Problem

A still undecided problem in the theory of discontinuous groups is whether the order of a group may be not finite while the order of every operation it contains is finite.
Burnside (1902)

Common Interpretation

Is every finitely generated, periodic group finite?

Special Case: Abelian Groups

If the group \(G\) is assumed to be abelian then the answer to UBP is affirmative since \[ G\cong\operatorname{\mathbb{Z}}^n \oplus \operatorname{\mathbb{Z}}_{q_1} \oplus \cdots \oplus \operatorname{\mathbb{Z}}_{q_t} \] by the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups.

Groups with Exponent


If there exists a positive integer \(N\), such that \[a^N = e\] for all elements \(a\) of a group \(G\), we say \(G\) is of exponent \(N\).


Let \(\operatorname{\mathbb{F}}_2\) be the field of order \(2\). Then the polynomials \(\mathbb F_2[X]\) over \(\operatorname{\mathbb{F}}_2\) form a group of exponent \(2\) w. r. t. addition.

Bounded Burnside Problem

Let \({A_1,\ldots, A_{m}}\) be a set of independent operations finite in number, and suppose that they satisfy the system of relations given by \[S^n=1\] where \(n\) is a given integer, while \(S\) represents in turn any and every operation which can be generated from the m given operations \(A\).

Is the group thus defined one of finite order, and if so what is its order?
Burnside (1902)

Special Case: Exponent \(2\)

If the group is of exponent \(2\) then it is abelian since

\[ ab = (ab)^{-1} = ba. \]

The answer to BBP is affirmative by the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups.

Graphtheoretical Preliminaries


A Graph
A Graph

A (simple) graph is a pair of two sets \((V,E)\), where \(V\) is non-empty and \(E\) is a subset of all unordered pairs \(\lbrace v_1,v_2\rbrace\in\mathcal{P}(V)\) that fulfil \(v_1\neq v_2\). The set \(V\) is called the vertex set and \(E\) the edge set of the graph \((V,E)\).


An Automorphism
An Automorphism
  • Let \(G = (V, E)\) be a graph. A mapping \(\varphi \colon V \to V\) is called graph-automorphism of \(G\) if \[\lbrace v_1,v_2\rbrace\in E \Leftrightarrow \lbrace \varphi(v_1),\varphi(v_2)\rbrace\in E\]
  • The set \(\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}(G)\) of all automorphisms of \(G\) forms a group w. r. t. composition.

The Full Binary Tree \({T^{(2)}}\)

Binary Tree
Binary Tree

The full binary tree is the graph \({T^{(2)}}:= \left({V\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}, {E\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\right)\) where \[ {V\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}:= \lbrace ({b_1,\ldots, b_{n}}) \mid {b_1,\ldots, b_{n}} \in \lbrace{0, 1\rbrace}, n \geq 0 \rbrace \] and two vertices are adjacent if the longer sequence can be obtained by concatenating \(0\) or \(1\) to the shorter sequence.

The Full Binary Tree \({T^{(2)}}\)

Binary Tree with a Path
Binary Tree with a Path

The red vertex is identified with the sequence \((0, 0, 1, 1)\).

Subtrees of \({T^{(2)}}\)


The induced subgraph of \({T^{(2)}}\) containing all sequences that extend \(({b_1,\ldots, b_{n}}) \in {T^{(2)}}\) is denoted by \({{T^{(2)}}_{({b_1,\ldots, b_{n}})}}\).

Levels of \({T^{(2)}}\)

Level 2
Level 2
  • The vertex \(({b_1,\ldots, b_{n}})\) is on level \(n\).
  • We note \(| ({b_1,\ldots, b_{n}}) | = n\) and \[ \mathrm{L}(k):=\left\lbrace v\in{V\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\middle\vert \lvert v\rvert=k\right\rbrace \]

Automorphisms of \({T^{(2)}}\)


Let \(\varphi\in{\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\). Then

  • \(\varphi\) fixes the root, i. e., \[\varphi(\emptyset) = \emptyset\] and
  • \(\varphi\) fixes the levels, i. e., \[\lvert \varphi(v)\rvert=\lvert v\rvert,\quad\forall v\in{V\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}.\]

Action of \({\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}{}\) on \(\mathrm{L}(k)\)

Action on L3
Action on L3

By enumerating the vertices on level \(k\) via \(\beta_k({b_1,\ldots, b_{k}}) := 1+\sum_{i=1}^{k} b_i2^{k-i},\) one obtains a group-homomorphism

\[ p_k \colon {\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\to \mathfrak{S}_{2^k}. \]

Stabiliser Groups


The normal subgroup \({\mathrm{St}_{}(k)}=\ker(p_k)\) of the automorphism group \({\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\) is called \(k\)-th stabiliser group of \({T^{(2)}}\).


\({\mathrm{St}_{}(k)}\) preserves the first \(k + 1\) levels of \({T^{(2)}}\) pointwise.

Restrictions to Subtrees


The mapping

\[ \psi\colon{\mathrm{St}_{}(1)}\to{\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\times{\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\]

defined by

\[ \varphi\mapsto\left(\varphi\big\vert_{{{T^{(2)}}_{(0)}}},\varphi\big\vert_{{{T^{(2)}}_{(1)}}}\right) \]

is an isomorphism of groups.

Mapping psi
Mapping psi

\(\psi\) identifies an automorphism with its restrictions to \({{T^{(2)}}_{(0)}}\) and \({{T^{(2)}}_{(1)}}\).

First Grigorchuk Group


  • One defines the automorphisms \(a, b, c\) and \(d \in {\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}\) as follows
    \(a({b_1,\ldots, b_{n}}) := (1-b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_n)\) and recursively
    \(b := \psi^{-1}(a, c),\)
    \(c := \psi^{-1}(a, d)\) as well as
    \(d := \psi^{-1}(\operatorname{id}, b).\)
  • The first Grigorchuk group is defined as \[ \Gamma := \langle a, b, c, d \rangle \subseteq {\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}. \]

Automorphism \(c\)

\(\psi(c) = (a, d)\)

Automorphism c 1
Automorphism c 1

\(c(1, 1, 0, 0) = (1, d(1, 0, 0))\)

Automorphism \(c\)

\(\psi(c) = (a, d)\), \(\psi(d) = (\operatorname{id}, b)\)

Automorphism c 2
Automorphism c 2

\(c(1, 1, 0, 0) = (1, d(1, 0, 0)) = (1, 1, b(0, 0))\)

Automorphism \(c\)

\(\psi(c) = (a, d)\), \(\psi(d) = (\operatorname{id}, b)\) and \(\psi(b) = (a, c)\)

Automorphism c 3
Automorphism c 3

\(c(1, 1, 0, 0) = (1, d(1, 0, 0)) = (1, 1, b(0, 0)) = (1, 1, 0, a(0))\)

Automorphism \(c\)

\(\psi(c) = (a, d)\), \(\psi(d) = (\operatorname{id}, b)\) and \(\psi(b) = (a, c)\)

Automorphism c 4
Automorphism c 4

\(c(1, 1, 0, 0) = (1, d(1, 0, 0)) = (1, 1, b(0, 0)) = (1, 1, 0, a(0)) = (1, 1, 0, 1)\)

Generators of \(\Gamma\)

Generators of Gamma
Generators of Gamma

Identities of the Generators


  • The generators are of order \(2\), i. e., \[ a^2 = b^2 = c^2 = d^2. \]
  • Three generators suffice since
    \(bc = cb = d, bd = db = c\) and \(cd = dc = b\) 

Generators of \(\Gamma\)

Generators of Gamma
Generators of Gamma

Word Length

As a consequence of the proposition, each \(\gamma \in \Gamma\) can be written as

\[ \gamma=u_0au_1au_2a\ldots u_lau_{l+1}, \]

where \(u_1\ldots u_{l}\in\lbrace b,c,d\rbrace\) and \(u_0,u_{l+1}\in\lbrace \operatorname{id},b,c,d\rbrace.\)


The number of generators appearing in the shortest representation of \(\gamma\) as a word of the form above is denoted by \(\ell(\gamma)\).

A Counterexample to the Unbounded Burnside Problem

Stabiliser Groups Revisited

One defines \({\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(k)} := {\mathrm{St}_{}(k)} \cap \Gamma.\)


Let \(\gamma=u_0au_1a\ldots u_lau_{l+1}.\) Then \(\gamma \in {\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(1)}\) iff \(l\) is odd.

Automorphism a
Automorphism a


Let \(\psi\colon{\mathrm{St}_{}(1)}\to{\operatorname{\mathrm{Aut}}\left({T^{(2)}}\right)}^2\) be defined as before. Then

\[ \psi(aba) = (c, a), \] \[ \psi(aca) = (d, a), \] \[ \psi(ada) = (b, \operatorname{id}). \]

\(\Gamma\) is Infinite


The mapping \(\psi_\mathrm{right}\colon{\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(1)}\to\Gamma\), defined by

\[ \psi_\mathrm{right}(\gamma)=\gamma_2 \]

if \(\psi(\gamma)=(\gamma_1,\gamma_2)\), is an epimorphism of groups.

Dihedral Subgroups


\(\Gamma\) contains the following subgroups isomorphic to an dihedral group

  • \(\langle a,d\rangle\cong\operatorname{D}_4\),
  • \(\langle a,c\rangle\cong\operatorname{D}_8\) and
  • \(\langle a,b\rangle\cong\operatorname{D}_{16}\).

\(\Gamma\) is periodic


The first Grigorchuk group \(\Gamma\) is a \(2\)-group, i. e., for each automorphism \(\gamma\in\Gamma\) there exists a non-negative integer \(n\) such that

\[ \gamma^{2^n}=\operatorname{id}. \]

Proof by Induction on the Length

  • If \(\ell(\gamma) = 0\) then \(\gamma = \operatorname{id}\).
  • If \(\ell(\gamma) = 1\) then \(\gamma \in \lbrace a, b, c, d \rbrace\).
  • If \(\ell(\gamma) = 2\) then \(\gamma ^ {16} = \operatorname{id}\) by the lemma above.

Hence, one may assume \(k := \ell(\gamma) > 2\) and the claim to be proven for all automorphisms of smaller length.

Proof – Case 1

If \(\ell(\gamma)\) is odd then

  • \(\gamma = au_1a\ldots u_la\) or
  • \(\gamma = u_0au_1a\ldots u_lau_{l+1}\) 

for some \(u_0,\ldots u_{l+1}\in\lbrace b,c,d\rbrace\).

Proof – Case 2

If \(\ell(\gamma)\) is even then w. l. o. g. one may assume

\[ \gamma = a u_1 a \ldots u_l \qquad(1)\]

where \(l = \frac{\ell(\gamma)}{2}\) and \({u_1,\ldots, u_{l}} \in \lbrace b, c, d \rbrace\).


The word in eq. 1 does contain \(l\) letters ‘\(a\)’.

Proof – Case 2.1

If \(l\) is even then in the word representing \(\gamma\) an even number of letters ‘\(a\)’ is contained. Hence, \[ \gamma \in {\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(1)}. \]

We have

\[ (\gamma_1, \gamma_2) := \psi(\gamma) = \psi(au_1 a u_2 a\ldots u_l) =\psi(au_1 a)\psi(u_2)\ldots\psi(au_{l-1}a)\psi(u_l) \]

and therefore \(\ell(\gamma_1), \ell(\gamma_2) \leq l\).

Proof – Case 2.2

If \(l\) is odd then \(\gamma^2 \in {\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(1)}\).

Therefore, \[ (\alpha,\beta) := \psi(\gamma^2)=\psi(au_1 a u_2 a\ldots u_lau_1 a u_2 a\ldots u_l)=\] \[=\psi(au_1 a)\psi(u_2)\ldots\psi(au_{l-2}a)\psi(u_{l-1})\psi(au_l a)\psi(u_1)\ldots\psi(au_{l-1}a)\psi(u_l)\]

Proof – Case 2.2

  1. If \(\gamma\) contains a ‘\(d\)’ then \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are at most of length \(\ell(\gamma) - 1\).
  2. If \(\gamma\) contains a ‘\(c\)’ then \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) contain a ‘\(d\)’.
  3. If neither is the case then \(\gamma \in \langle a, b \rangle \cong \operatorname{D}_{16}\).

Growth of the First Grigorchuk Group

Growth of the Orders of Automorphisms


The set of all orders of automorphisms of length at most \(k\) is denoted \[ O_k := \lbrace ord(\gamma) \mid \gamma\in\Gamma, \ell(\gamma) \leq k \rbrace \]

The growth function is defined as \[ o(k) = \max(O_k) \]


Since \(O_k \subseteq O_{k + 1}\), the growth function is monotonically increasing.

Upper Bounds for the Growth of \(\Gamma\)


The growth of \(\Gamma\) is bound by an exponential function. More precisely,

\[ o(k)\leq 2^{\frac{1}{2}k+3}. \]


This is far from optimal. Bartholdi and Šunić (2006) proved that \[ o(k)\leq 4k^2+1.\]

Restrictions to Subtrees

Recall the enumerating function \(\beta_k({b_1,\ldots, b_{k}}) := 1+\sum_{i=1}^{k} b_i2^{k-i}.\)


Let \(k\geq 1\) be an integer. We define \[ \psi_k\colon{\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(k)}\to\Gamma^{2^k} \] by \[ \gamma\mapsto\left(\gamma\big\vert_{{{T^{(2)}}_{\beta_k^{-1}(1)}}},\gamma\big\vert_{{{T^{(2)}}_{\beta_k^{-1}(2)}}},\ldots,\gamma\big\vert_{{{T^{(2)}}_{\beta_k^{-1}(2^k)}}}\right). \]

Restrictions to Subtrees


psi_2 of d
psi_2 of d

\[ \psi_2(d) = (\operatorname{id}, \operatorname{id}, a, c) \]

One Technical Lemma


Let \(K\) denote the normal subgroup of \(\Gamma\) generated by \((ab)^2\).

  1. \({\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(3)} \subseteq K \subseteq {\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(1)}\) 
  2. For each integer \(k\geq 1\), the image \(\psi_k\left({\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(k)}\right)\) contains \(K^{2^k}\).



Note that the second assertion is very strong:

\(\pi_1 \circ \psi_1\) and \(\pi_2 \circ \psi_1\) are automorphisms of \(\Gamma\) but \((a, a) \not\in \psi_1(\Gamma)\).

Final Lemma


Let \(n\) be a positive integer. Given an automorphism \(\gamma\in K\), such that \(\operatorname{ord}(\gamma)\geq 2^n\), we find an automorphism \(\eta\in K\) satisfying

\[\operatorname{ord}(\eta)\geq 2^{n+1}.\]


By the lemma above there exists an automorphism \(h\in{\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(5)}\subseteq K\), such that


We set \(\eta:=(ab)^8h\). A short calculation shows

\[ \psi_5\left(\eta^2\right)=(\gamma,\gamma,\operatorname{id},\ldots,\operatorname{id})\in{\mathrm{St}_{\Gamma}(1)}^{32}. \]

Infinite Growth


Let \(n\) be a positive integer. There exists an automorphism \(\gamma_{n}\in K\subseteq\Gamma\), such that

\[\operatorname{ord}(\gamma)\geq 2^n.\]

Thank you for your attention

History and Variants

For a brief exposition on variants and the history of Burnside's problems please visit (German)


Bartholdi, L., and Z. Šunić. 2006. “Some Solvable Automaton Groups.” In Topological and Asymptotic Aspects of Group Theory, 394:11–29. Contemp. Math. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI.

Burnside, W. 1902. “On an Unsettled Question in the Theory of Discontinuous Groups.” Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Math 33.